"Fiţi, dar, voi desăvârşiţi precum Tatăl vostru Cel ceresc desăvârşit este".

Matei 5:48

duminică, 26 februarie 2012

21 decembrie 2012

Acum cateva zile m-am intors de la Pitesti,  de la un curs. Acolo, am auzit ca este o doamna care face tratamente bioenergetice si care a scris si nste carti. Am plecat, asadar spre dumneaei sa o pot cunoaste sis a ii cumpar cartile.
Am ajuns in dreptul biroului, unde facea tratamente. Spre surprinderea mea, era o casa foarte mare. Am intrat si inca o data surprins am vazut un numar mare de oameni ce stateau in fata unei usi. Pana m-am dumirit cum sta treaba, am vizitat un pic si am observat ca era o sala mare pentru sedinte in grup sau terapii de grup. Am cerut voie celor ce erau la  rand inaintea mea si am intrat intr-un birou destul de incapator, unde am remarcat chiar de la intrare un grup maricel de cristale si geode de ametist. Mi-a placut acest amamnunt.  Atmosfera era linistita, calda. Inauntru era o doamna in jurul varstei de 40-50 de ani, care nu spunea mare lucru, ci astepta sa-i spui tu. Sunt convins ca citea in aura si de aceea nu trebuia sa te intrebe prea mult. Pe pereti erau icoane care mai de care mai frumoase. Am remarcat ca unele erau pe tip orthodox, altele pe tip catholic reprezentand cu aceasta alaturare o unitate a relgiilor.
i-am cumparat cartile si am citit una dintre ele, “Mesagerii Luminii”, Lilia Seven. Mi-a placut foarte tare, aducandu-mi aminte de cartea “Inuaki, reptilianul din mine” a Aryanei Havah.  Insa, ce m-a pus pe ganduri  a fost faptul ca se spunea acolo de catre niste fiinta de lumina ca dupa decembrie 2012 vor mai ramane decat aproximativ jumatate din populatia globului. Adica pana in patru miliarde de oameni. De fapt se spune de trei miliarde. Ma frapeaza aceasta afirmatie intrucat am vorbit pe aceasta tema cu cineva inalt spiritual din Romania si spunea cam acelasi lucru. El spunea ca la 21 decembrie vine examenul final. Cine nu este in stare, nu trece clasa. Cand Oreste si-a lansat cartea, “Codul lu Oreste” la Slobozia, l-am intrebat acelasi lucru, si el mi-a dat acelasi raspuns. Ei, cu toate astea, mi-e greu sa cred ca marea majoritate a globului pamantesc  va muri anul acesta. Eu inca cred ca, asa cum spuneam in cea de-a doua carte a mea ca, trebuie sa ne raportam la scara universului si nu la noi. Schimbarile vor avea loc la nivel planetar si galactic si chiar universal.  Ei, insa exista si un argument in favoarea celor trei. 21 decembrie este data ultima pentru actualul ciclu. Din 22 decembrie vom intra in alt ciclu universal si, prn urmare acest nou ciclu avand o vibratie mai mare va determina o cernere a celor care vor avea aceeasi vibratie.  Acesta este sfarsitul timpului cand “se cerne graul de neghina”.
Vom vedea cine are dreptate. Mai este putin…

6 comentarii:

  1. Unde se gasesc cartile acestei doamne, de cumparat?Am citit pe scribdt "Mesagerii luminii",dar restul daca exista ,poate stiti dvoastra ceva.Multumesc.

  2. direct de la ea. nici eu nu le-am gasit pe net.

    1. Hello to who ever you might be!

      Let me tell you my dear:

      I read this book for more than one time, as my mother. One year ago, we where very interested in esoteric and all that stuff.
      I have to admit that we went through a very bad and dark period of our life.
      So we listened, with hope for truth, to a lot of speeches, she has had on TV. But than she started talking about Jesus. That he would live on our earth already and was born in Arad in Romania and all the people would unify in that kind of ecumenical movement.

      So for all those who at least know the Revelation and some more Parts of the Bible like all the Prophetic parts (Daniel, Jesaia etc.) or the Gospel, might understand, that everything this woman says, is just a way of making money on other peoples souls, who hope for some truth in this world.
      The truth is not televised! The truth is not in our selves as some people say! The truth is Jesus Christ the son of the Lord, our Lord who gave him for us.

      This woman is a false prophet! She is a liar, and lies belong to people tempted by the devil.
      She says Jesus was born in Arad, and the people go there to praise some human as full of sins as you and me!
      Everyone who read a bit of truth, knows that this is not true, Jesus does not have to be born anymore, he was dead and revived.
      When he will come again he won't put a foot on this earth (read the Revelation in the Bible)

      Mathew 7

      15“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

      21“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ 23Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

      The first time I went to this woman (we had to pay an entry) she said, everyone who does not believe in Jesus Christ shall go.
      But all that shit she says about him already being on eart brings me to the conclusion that she is a wrong prophet!

      Mathew 24:24

      For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

      I hope, people start getting a bit back to their roots, and remind themselves how many people just try to make money by telling a lot of shit.
      Men are able to do a lot of things for money, even to make contracts with the devil himself.
      But as our souls are thirsty for the truth, we are sometimes able to believe everyone just to feel for the moment better.
      We start believing in lucky charms and everything else which fading in fading world, but we forget that there is one thing, the only thing that is eternal:
      It is our great, loving and justice Lord, who gave His live for us and knew our names even before we knew them.

      Let us love Him and give Him honor and praise, let us wait together, and be awake when the great day of His return will come!
      (no I am not a witness of Jehovah I am a girl waiting for her savior)

      I just hope, that someone will read this and find the same happiness, that God gave me, when I opened the Bible the very first time.


  3. thank you Hanna for your opinion. it is so much to say...

  4. Se pare ca cei trei s-au inselat si nu au murit atat de multi oameni cum prevesteau ei.

  5. ei au gresit pentru ca nu gandesc la scara mare.. este vorba de schimbari la nivelul intregului univers, schimbari planetare..
